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Install from Source

This guide will show you how to install Bondy from its source.


If this is your first time trying Bondy, you might prefer to start with one of our tutorial examples. Some of them use Docker Compose so you can start reviewing Bondy without installing it locally.


  • Operating Systems: macOS (Intel|Apple Silicon) or Linux (AMD64|ARM64)
  • Erlang 24 or later
  • Rebar3 3.17.0 or later
  • openssl
  • libssl
  • Libsodium
  • libsnappy
  • liblz4


1. Building

Clone the repository and cd to the location where you cloned it.

To generate a Bondy release to be used in production execute the following command which will generate a tarball containing the release at $(PWD)/_build/prod/rel/.

rebar3 as prod tar

Untar and copy the resulting tarball to the location where you want to install Bondy e.g. ~/tmp/bondy.

tar -zxvf _build/prod/rel/bondy-1.0.0-rc.4.tar.qz -C ~/tmp/bondy

2. Running

To run Bondy, cd to the location where you installed it e.g. ~/tmp/bondy and run the following command which will print all the options.


For example, to run Bondy with output to stdout do

bin/bondy foreground

And to run Bondy with an interactive Erlang shell do

bin/bondy console

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Bondy and Leapsight are registered trademarks of Leapsight Technologies Ltd.