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Configuration Basics

The bondy.conf file

Bondy configuration file is used to set a wide variety of static configuration options. The file location depends on the installation method you've used as shown in the following table.

Installation methodLocation
Source tarball/etc/bondy.conf
Docker image/bondy/etc/bondy.conf


The file uses a sysctl-like syntax that looks like this:

nodename = bondy@
distributed_cookie = bondy
security.allow_anonymous_user = off


Notice that for every option not provided by your configuration, Bondy will define a default value (also specified in the following sections).

Variable replacement

Within the bondy.conf file you can use the following variables which Bondy will substitute before running.

  • platform_etc_dir

The following is an example of how to use variable substitution.

broker_bridge.config_file = $(platform_etc_dir)/broker_bridge_config.json


These mechanism cannot be used to do OS environment variables substitution. However, Bondy provides a tool for OS variable substitution that is automatically used by the Bondy Docker image start script. To understand how to use OS environment variables substitution in Docker read this section, otherwise take a look at how the script uses it in the official docker images.

Feature-specific configuration files

Some features and/or subsystems in Bondy allow providing an additional JSON configuration file e.g. the Security subsystem.

In those cases, we need to let Bondy know where to find those specific files. This is done in the bondy.conf under the desired section e.g. the following configuration file adds the location for the security_conf.json file.

nodename = bondy@
distributed_cookie = bondy
security.allow_anonymous_user = off
security.config_file = /bondy/etc/security_conf.json

Environment variables

Operating System Configuration

Configuring Open File Limits

Bondy can accumulate a large number of open file handles during operation. The creation of numerous data files is normal, and the storage backend performs periodic merges of data file collections to avoid accumulating file handles.

To accommodate this you should increase the open files limit on your system. We recommend setting a soft limit of 65536 and a hard limit of 200000.

Most operating systems can check and change the open-files limit for the current shell session using the ulimit command.

Start by checking the current open file limit values with:

ulimit -Hn # Hard limit
ulimit -Sn # Soft limit

Set the limit by using:

ulimit -n 200000

This configuration persists only for the duration of your shell session. To change the limit on a system-wide, permanent basis read the following sections.

Open file limits on Linux

On most Linux distributions, the total limit for open files is controlled by sysctl.

If you installed Bondy from a binary package, you will need to the add the following settings to the /etc/security/limits.conf file for the bondy user:

bondy soft nofile 65536
bondy hard nofile 200000
Open file limits on Debian and Ubuntu using PAM

You can enable PAM-based user limits so that non-root users, such as the bondy user, may specify a higher value for maximum open files.

Edit /etc/pam.d/common-session and add the following line:

session required

Save and close the file. If /etc/pam.d/common-session-noninteractive exists, append the same line as above.

Then, edit /etc/security/limits.conf and append the following lines to the file:

soft nofile 65536
hard nofile 200000

Save and close the file.

(Optional) If you will be accessing the Bondy nodes via secure shell (SSH), you should also edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and set the following line:

UseLogin yes

Restart the machine so the limits take effect and verify that the new limits are set with the following command:

ulimit -a
Open file limits on Docker running on K8s

Docker ulimits limit a program's resource utilization to prevent a run-away bug or security breach from bringing the whole system down.

The instructions below describe how to check what your current value is, and then increase it to allow Bondy to run.

To increase the ulimit value:

  1. Connect to the desired worker node and execute the following command:
systemctl show docker
  1. Search for NOFILE.
  2. If the output is “1024”, edit the file:

and replace the line:

OPTIONS=" — default-ulimit nofile=1024:4096"


OPTIONS="--default-ulimit nofile=2000000:2000000"
  1. Restart the Docker daemon
sudo systemctl restart docker
Open file limits on DockerUser

Use docker run --ulimit

$ docker run --ulimit nofile=2000000:2000000

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